Let's Set the Political Table
A simple survey to see how this community feels about the 2024 election
Well, no sense waiting to start the political strand of our conversation. For the next 11 months, we’re going to be subjected to an ever-increasing volume of political coverage that, probably sooner than anyone wants, will overwhelm every other topic. By mid-summer, the news hole for non-election stories is likely to get very, very small.
Substack doesn’t have a mechanism to conduct complex surveys and I’m not interested - yet - in creating something on SurveyMonkey or some other platform so I’m adapting its polling module to our purposes.
I have some assumptions about the answers this will elicit but I’m curious to see how your responses line up with my expectations.
The survey will stay up for a week and should take less than 30 seconds to complete.
Three simple questions but your responses will give me a better sense of who’s here and what you’re interested in.
I’m guessing that some of you will - rightly - find fault with the questions or the limited response choices available (Substack provides only one question format, limits possible responses to five, has no option for “other” options, no open-ended responses, etc) so please use the comments to annotate or expand on your responses.
Single biggest issue (not included in the options) is preventing Trump and most republicans from ever having the controls of government again
The fact that we’re killing the planet trumps everything else. And the whole Trump disease is number two.